PyAnsys is a collection of Python libraries and tools developed by ANSYS, Inc. It provides access to Ansys products by using a Python interface, enabling users to perform engineering simulations, data processing, and automation tasks.
To ease the installation of the libraries and tools, PyAnsys provides a Python metapackage. This ensures compatibility between its projects.
Key features of PyAnsys#
PyAnsys shines in the following areas:
Automation of workflows: PyAnsys enables users to automate repetitive or complex simulation tasks.
Integration with the Python ecosystem: users can leverage the Python ecosystem.
Cross-product functionality: PyAnsys provides Python APIs for various Ansys services and products. By allowing users to interact with multiple products in a single environment, PyAnsys enables users to streamline their workflows.
The PyAnsys ecosystem#
PyAnsys libraries can be classified into wrappers and tools.
Wrappers are Python libraries that provide direct access to Ansys products. Communication between the product and the library is performed via gRPC. Therefore, users can have the product installed remotely and connect to that remote instance.
Tools are Python libraries that provide additional functionality to the wrappers.